Through Sadhanas even impossible looking tasks are accomplished. Basically Sadhanas aim at confluence of two energies - that of the subconsciousness and that of the deity who is propitiated through a ritual. The propitiation is done through Mantra chantings which are special divine incantations to which the divine forces respond very quickly. But sometimes even this combination may fail specially if the Sadhak is weak willed. In that case one needs a powerful Guru whose divine powers can boost one's will to amazing levels. Such a Guru is Paramhans Nikhileshwaranand who has gifted hundreds of Sadhanas to thousands of Sadhaks and whosoever tried them with devotion got the highest level of success. This transfer of Divine Energy from Sadguru to Sadhak is Diksha.. Knowledge is Power Supreme and True Knowledge knows no bounds. Knowledge increases by spreading, and it banishes the darkness of ignorance, superstition, misbeliefs and fear. Every issue of "Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan" magazine contains a multitude of articles on Sadhnas, Mantras, Tantras, Yantras, Ayurveda, Kundalini, Palmistry, Hypnotism, Numerology, Astrology etc.Some Sadhna articles extracted from various issues of Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan magazine and books penned by Revered Gurudev are presented here. You should read the magazine for complete details on Sadhanas and other articles. Thousands of different Sadhanas have been published in various issues of Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan magazine. There are hundreds of different Sadhana Procedures (Vidhis) to accomplish same Sadhana. Some Sadhanas extracted from latest issues of Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan magazine are listed below.
Some general articles on performing Sadhana :
Sadhanas from Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan Magazine issues : Every issue of "Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan" magazine contains detailed description of various Sadhanas and prices of specified Sadhana articles. International Prices of some Sadhana articles, books, cassettes etc. are listed on our website. You may also contact Jodhpur Gurudham on email/telephone/letter/fax to get the prices. All kinds of material problems can be solved by performing Sadhanas and taking Dikshas. You may perform Sadhanas yourself to ward off malefic effects of bad planets and to counter the black magic done against you. You should perform Sadhanas yourself after taking Diksha to attain material and spiritual upliftment. Sadhana is the only way to get Divine help to resolve tensions & problems of material life and attaining spiritual elevation. The chances of success in Sadhanas are increased manifold by taking Diksha as during Diksha, Revered Gurudev transfers a part of His own spiritual penance power into the disciple to steer him towards success. Guru Diksha is the basic foundation for spiritual and material success. You need to take Guru Diksha before performing any Sadhana or taking any other Diksha. Guru Diksha is the first step of spiritual initiation. When you apply for Guru Diksha, you get a Guru Pitambar(shawl to wear while performing Sadhana) and one year subscription of "Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan" magazine free along with Guru Diksha. You should also take specific Diksha for this Sadhana to achieve complete success in this Sadhana. You may either get Diksha from Gurudev personally or the Diksha may be granted on a photograph. The photograph should be a recent one, and can be of any size. However the face should be clearly visible on the photograph. The Diksha is granted free of cost by Revered Gurudev.However, a token amount is charged for each Diksha which goes towards charitable causes through Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali Foundation International Charitable Trust Society. Each issue of Mantra Tantra Yantra vigyan magazine contains detailed information on various rare and quickacting Sadhanas. You may click here for subscription information. You may refer to our Frequently Asked Queries section to clarify general doubts about Sadhanas and Dikshas. You may also send us an email/letter/fax to Jodhpur Gurudham for further guidance. Our email address is mtyv@siddhashram.org Ideally you should meet revered Gurudevs personally to discuss about your problems & plans and obtain guidance. Only revered Gurudevs can advice you about the most relevant Diksha and Sadhana for you depending upon your aptitude and ability. You may meet revered Gurudevs during the Sadhana camps. Owing to busy schedule of Revered Gurudev, it is not possible to meet Gurudev everyday in Delhi/Jodhpur Gurudham. Every month, some days are reserved and scheduled for meeting in Delhi Gurudham and Jodhpur Gurudham. These details are listed in the monthly magazine Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan and are also available here. You may meet revered Gurudev on other days also. Please check by telephone about availability before going to the Gurudham. You should attend the Sadhana Camps to perform Sadhanas directly under revered Gurudevs' guidance. You should contact the Jodhpur Gurudham for getting Sadhna articles/books/cassettes etc. by post. Alternatively, you may buy them over the counter from our Delhi Gurudham or from the counters at the Sadhna Camps. All the Sadhna articles (Rosaries, Yantras etc.) are consecrated and energised by our pundits during auspicious moments for particular Sadhna. We do "Prana Prathistha" of all the Sadhna articles and make them more energised by performing specific "Cheitanya Puja" on all the articles. So, the chances of success in the Sadhna are increased manifold. If you live in India, then you may send us a email/letter/fax mentioning your address and details of required items. We will send it by VPP. Alternatively, as VPP rates have increased recently, you may send us a Bank Draft of "Total cost of items" plus Rs. 60 (postage charges), then we will send the items by registered post. Please note that the Postage Charges for Paarad (mercury) items will be more (around 20-30% of cost) due to exceptionally high weight. Sadhaks living in other SAARC countries (Nepal/ Pakistan/ Sri Lanka/ Bangladesh/ Bhutan/ Maldives/ Burma) can get Sadhana articles/books/cassettes etc. at the Indian price by sending a bank draft. Please add around 20-30% as Postal charges. Please note that the Postage Charges for Paarad (mercury) items will be more (around 30-40% of cost) due to exceptionally high weight. If you live outside India/other SAARC countries, then you may purchase the Sadhna articles/books/cassettes etc. at the International Price by sending a bank draft. The overseas postage & handling charges are included in the International prices. Please do not enclose cash in letter for payment. It is both risky and illegal The Bank Draft should be in favour of "Mantra Shakti Kendra" payable at Jodhpur,India and should be sent to Jodhpur Gurudham address. The Jodhpur Gurudham address is Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan, Dr. Shrimali Marg, High Court Colony, Jodhpur 342001, Rajasthan, India. The Telephone number is +91-(0291)-432209 and telefax number is +91-(0291)-432010.
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